9 Tips To Help You Focus When Studying
1. Get Rid of DistractionsThis should be pretty obvious right? But actually, it’s not. We often get distracted without realizing that we already are. Once distracted, we engage in the new task and we don’t pay attention to what we were originally supposed to do.
Instead, to get rid of distractions, identify what distract you and then take proactive measures to not let them distract you again. For example, if it’s the internet, television or people, then you might want to consider studying at the library.
However, sometimes distractions can be thoughts that are intrusive. For instance, thoughts stemming from anxieties or worries. If this is the case, there is only so much you can do about them. You can try seeking professional help, dealing with the cause of anxiety or worries, or doing your best to distract yourself from those thoughts.
2. Avoid Procrastinating
Sometimes, we don’t begin on the task because we are already distracted. If this happens, put the distractions away and tell yourself that you will start the task for 5 minutes straight. Generally, you should find that the 5 minutes is enough to motivate you to continue, but if it doesn’t, then you may want to consider re-evaluating what’s important to you or what’s really keeping you from starting.
3. Rewarding Yourself
This helps sometimes if you can be diligent at it. For example, you might say I will do 30 minutes of homework today then I will reward myself by playing 30 minutes of video game or television. Then over time, you build up a habit of doing the task that you actually no longer need the reward.
4. Find A Good Time To Study
It helps if you pay attention to when you study the best or when you’re most productive. For some people, this might be when you first wake up and you don’t have anything distracting you yet. Throughout the day, we’re more likely to become distracted so it’s better to study when our mind is still fresh. Furthermore, studying when you first wake up is really productive too, because you are less tired and generally already more focused.
5. Finding A Good Place to Study
I wish we all had a perfect studying place that’s designed for optimal studying, but usually almost all locations have problems. For example, even the library can be inconvenient when we have to look or wait for space. However, if you’re able to decorate a room that’s perfect for studying, then do that. You will find yourself motivated by studying in the room.
6. Set Up A Timer
We are generally really poor at estimating how much time we need to get something done. We overestimate the amount of time we have and we end up procrastinating. If instead, we just set up a timer to like work for an hour, we are more likely to want to hold true to our words and see what we can accomplish. A part of achieving our goals is to set up a deadline for when certain tasks are needed to be done.
7. Break Larger Task Into Smaller Ones
Sometimes, we feel like we have so much to do that we procrastinate, because we dread. Instead, we can avoid this by doing what we’re able to do first and slowly build our way up. Furthermore, it helps if you seek help for the tasks you can not accomplish so you don’t get stuck on one place and becoming frustrated.
8. Achieve Flow
When you are in a state of flow, you are so focused on the task that you lose awareness of surroundings. In this case, when you studying, flow is when you can not be distracted by anything anymore. When this happens to you, take note of it, and keep doing what you are doing.
9. Listen to Music or do Something That Helps You Get Focused
Some people find it easier to focus when they listen to music. Find the music that helps you get in the mood and use it to help you focus. Once you are focused, turn off the music if it begins to get distracting. Also, try to figure out what helps you focus. For example, nap to recover your mental energy or take a walk outside to help clear your mind.
I got some help for this article by referring to this one from onlinecounsellingcollege that you guys should probably check out as well: http://onlinecounsellingcollege.tumblr.com/post/31236148443/tips-to-help-you-focus
(Source: neurolove.me)
1 (mga) komento:
How I hope diligent ako magstudy! :)))))))
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